Tia Rose


I am a vision of pure femininity. I have expensive taste and a stylish eye for elegance. I am open to pleasing you, however - if there is something you are dying to see me in please let me know. I love to dress up!

I love to be spontaneous but I advise you to book at least one week to a few days in advance if we have not yet met each other.


1) I’m only looking to meet with extraordinary gentlemen, women, and couples of ages 30+. I am very selective regarding the clientele in which I meet with and I choose to limit my circle to a select few.

2) When texting, calling, or emailing, I ask that you speak politely and do not discuss anything inappropriate.

3) Please present me with my compensation at the beginning of our time together. If we are in public, please be discreet and use a greeting card or a small gift bag.

4) I understand that occasionally a date may need to be cancelled. If so please respect my busy schedule by notifying me at least 24 hours in advance. Same day cancellations will result in the loss of your deposit.

5) Engagements of 3 or more hours usually include social activities such as drinks, lunch or dinner, or an entertainment program. I will be happy to plan for us should you need ideas or suggestions.

6) Regardless of our chemistry and the intensity of our time together, if you wish to extend our engagement suitable consideration must be provided in advance.

7) Lastly, you are expected to be a gentleman at ALL times.